Use tidyverse (ggplot2, dplyr) to explore the COVID-19 data for Louisiana.

We will work with two datasets. The first dataset is from Louisiana Department of Health where you can get three excel files for:

The second dataset is from the COVID Tracking Project where you can download two CSV files:


Summarize following objects using appropriate graphs:


Link the daily case count data from the two sources. Summarize your findings.


Recreate the 4 plots (New tests, New cases, Current hospitalizations, and New deaths) of total daily case counts with 7-day average of Full range at the COVID tracking project website


Compile a tibble that contains cumulative percent positivity of tests by Parish.

Plot the cumulative percent positivity of tests of Parish on a map for the weeks containing dates (one plot for each week):


Plot new cases by lab collection date with a 7-day average line of New Orleans and Baton Rouge.

Explain your findings.